When you first meet Dione Stevens, you will notice that she is FULL of energy! However, underneath all the fun is a woman that loves, supports, and cares.
Originally from Hartford, Connecticut, Dione is a wife, mother, and grandmother, who loves to give back and sow into others. Even more so, Dione has a passion for fitness and health. She is a Master Group Fitness Instructor, has a Group Fitness Director Certification and her experience in the Fitness Industry spans over 10 years. She is Nationally Certified with The Aerobics & Fitness Association of America (AFAA), American Sports & Fitness Association (ASFA) Senior Fitness Instruction and Health and Fitness Coordinator, Practical Pilates, Yoga Stretch, Creative Step, Zumba, Senior Boot Camp and Moving to Happiness Coaching Certification.
However, her love for fitness came after a shocking diagnosis of diabetes in 2006. During a doctor's visit, she was told she would need to be on medication or have a life style change. She chose to change her entire way of life and focus on health. This desire to live a new life was even further realized after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2011.
After Dione's surgery to remove her ovaries, she found herself out of work. Dione's life drastically changed, and she loss EVERYTHING. By the grace of God, she met her then future husband to be there in her time of need. He was able to fill in the gap for her financially, with prayer, and with love! According to Dione, "she has not had to worry about anything since".
God used cancer, job loss, and every attack of the enemy to turn around Dione's situation!
In her husband's words, "Dione's relationship with God has brought her through everything this world has thrown at her and still laughs in the enemy face because she knows God has, is and will provide." However, at each obstacle Dione became stronger and fought harder to live a life that would honor the Lord and help others.

Dione's health dramatically improved and she was healed from diabetes and cancer! AMEN!
Dione recognizes that her transformation does not come from her own strength. Dione understands that TRUE transformation comes from the inside out! The bible verse that is her foundation is found in 3 John 1:2.
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health...
Dione is a perfect example of how God can transform brokenness into beauty! She now uses her testimony and is a sought after author and fitness instructor! Dione is now a fitness transformation specialist. She teaches classes like Line Dancing, Amazing Abs, and more in a studio located in Stockbridge, Ga! Her organization FitN5 focuses on optimal fitness water, nutrition, movement, breathing and a renewed mind. You can learn more about FitN5 at her website here.
Dione is a woman who exemplifies charisma, restoration, and Godly love. She is a woman of victory because she is full of the joy of the Lord and made moves to change her situation. Many would have heard her diagnosis and gave up! However, Dione used her circumstance to go deeper in the Lord and inspire others.
Recognizing that God can use your story to create HIS story is victory!
Join me in celebrating author, friend, and encourager, Dione Stevens as this week's Woman of Victory!
Visit Dione's website at www.fitn5.com and let's learn more about health in her book Be in Health which can be found here!
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