Standing at only 4ft 5 inches and weighing 55lbs, Leah is a petite 6th grader on a mission to impact the world around her. Don't get her small frame mistaken, she's strong, mighty and has been fighting since birth. Born 5 weeks early, Leah spent almost a month in the NICU, has had 2 surgeries, and been a military child whose moved a few times across country. Yet, she has not allowed these things to defeat her! She is resilient and excels in every area of her life.
However, what makes Leah truly impressive is that she is already an entrepreneur! A few months ago, Leah became the owner of a company that is already on the move. Leah is the owner of GracefuLea Glam Kids Mobile Spa whose mission is to provide the ultimate spa themed party while empowering young girls to define their own B.E.A.U.T.Y. This business is very important to Leah because she wants to see all girls confident in who they are which in return would help eliminate bullying because everyone would see b.e.a.u.t.y in themselves and their friends.
Recently, Leah was faced with her first big decision as a business owner. A young lady was scheduled for a party, however, no one RSVP’d. Unfortunately, the client has autism and was unable to understand the concept of her party being cancelled. Leah could have chosen to not move forward with the party for only one child. However, she made an executive decision that it was more important to celebrate the young lady than to cancel and disappoint. This was a great example of Leah’s heart to empower others and show compassion.

In addition to her business, Leah is triumphant in school and throughout her community. Leah is level 2 gymnast, lead singer in her school chorus, Top Notch Tiger (exemplary character) every month, Principal Honor Roll, and the only child from her school accepted into International Baccalaureate Program for Middle School. In addition to this, she remains on the all “A” honor roll. Many young ladies could not handle so many responsibilities. However, Leah does it all in stride and with a great attitude.
For Leah, victory means “that you always win”. It is evident that Leah’s tenacity for her business, love for other young ladies, and excellence at school, makes her a winner. Leah is a true example of the verse...
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.- 1 Timothy 4:12
Congratulations Leah for being this week’s Young Lady of Victory! May you continue to shine bright and be a motivation to all those you encounter.
For more on Gracefulea Glam visit her website here or follow on Facebook.
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