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Meet Vicky...the One Who Encourages

Writer's picture: Victoria Riollano of Victory SpeaksVictoria Riollano of Victory Speaks

Confidence, strength, and beauty, are the first words that come to mind when anyone thinks of Vicky Durandisse. Originally from, Washington D.C., Vicky Durandisse is a mother of two, real estate agent, and community advocate. Although Vicky exudes a beauty and elegance, she has experienced many moments where the Lord truly touched and transformed her heart from the inside out.

In her own life, she struggled with the label "Single Mother" for years. This label was one that kept her in a bondage and was associated with a societal stigma. Vicky spent over four years frustrated and hurt concerning this. It was never her desire to raise her children alone, and the pain that she carried in many moments were too much for any one person to bare. However, the Lord stepped in a few years ago in a life changing encounter.

"One day at a women's retreat, 'Broken No More', I left it all at the cross. I prayed for God to help me to forgive. I told him that I did not want to carry the pain and anger anymore. I apologized to myself. It was a supernatural boot camp. Since that day 3 years ago God has been working on me. I was healed in that moment and then the process to glory started. It hasn’t been all peaches and cream, but I have a clear heart. I have peace, and I have a vision that keeps me inspired. " Vicky Durandisse

This moment of instant healing propelled Vicky into a true level of freedom. She is now a successful real estate agent that empowers future homeowners daily. Although she has been in real estate since 2004, this encounter with God gave her renewed way of viewing herself and the gifts God has given her. Her clients see her as their personal angel because of the hope, passion and determination she brings daily. Vicky sees this job as her way to be a servant and soldier in His army and touch the clients that she meets. You will often find Vicky posting tips, showing houses, and encouraging others in God's love throughout the day on her Facebook page. She truly is one that doesn't miss an opportunity to inspire hope.

Her long time goal is to open a nonprofit that inspires teenage children to become self-sufficient, community involved, college graduates who are true disciples of God’s Kingdom. She also donates resources into training new real-estate agents, conducting home-buying seminars for the community, and giving finances to her local school system to upkeep libraries and playground facilities. She is a true example of one who serves wholeheartedly.

No matter how difficult things become Vicky believes, "All I need to do is seek God and his Kingdom, operate in righteousness, and everything will work out in time."

Vicky believes that true victory is found in "letting go and letting God." This letting go is not superficial but done through relationship and encounters with the Lord. He can truly touch the broken places and make it beautiful.

Her favorite verse truly speaks to the victory she has found in Christ alone.

Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Join me in congratulating Vicky Durandisse as this month's Woman of Victory! Her willingness to allow God to heal her heart, passion for her business, love for her children, and motivation to encourage the masses make her a true woman of victory. She is one that many can look up to and see the love of God through. May we all remember that we are broken no more and that there is no anger or pain too deep for the Lord to heal!

"To any woman reading this article, pray for freedom from anger, hurt and negative thoughts. This is when your wings will begin to spread and you will begin to fly again butterfly." Vicky Durandisse

For more on Vicky Durandisse and homeowning tips follow her on instagram at @athomewithvicky or on Facebook here.

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