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Writer's pictureVictoria Riollano of Victory Speaks

Seven Ways to Hear God's Voice Today!

1.) Prayer

The key to hearing God's voice and operating at your maximum capacity will be prayer. Prayer is your way to be intimate with God. Prayer can go from a thirty minute session on your knees crying out to God, to talking to the Lord during your morning commute. Your prayer time with God may not look like your neighbors. However, it is in these intentional quiet times with God that you can lean in and hear God's voice. And remember prayer is not just giving God a daily Christmas list. It is also your way to just say thank you, it is your way to love on Him and get your daily instruction.

Prayer is where you will get your instructions.

Prayer is where you will learn to recognize His voice.

Prayer is where you will develop intimacy with the Father.

Pray always! Pray intentionally! Pray until you see a change!

1 Chronicles 6:11- Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always

2.) Journaling

Journaling is a great way to add into your prayers. When you journal, you can write to the Lord as if He were right beside you. Write as if you are talking to your greatest friend. In your journal, make lists of what you believe God is speaking to you and what you are believing for. I love journaling because it gives you a tangible resource to go back to at a later date. For example, if you wrote in your journal in 2016 that you are believing God for a house. In 2018, when you look back at the journal IN your new house, this will be way to boost your faith and remember if God did it for me then, He can do it again. God can speak to you while you journal and give you exactly what you need to hear in this moment. There is power in the writing it down!

Jeremiah 30:2-Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Write in a book all the words that I have spoken to you-

3.) Cutting Out Distractions

The distractions in your life or useless noise will always keep you away from God's voice. God is so good, He can speak to you in the midst of your busy life. However, how much more profitable would it be to only be a part of what God tells you to be a part of. Many times we overcompensate and are a part of so many organizations or groups of friends that we are overstretched. We couldn't hear God if we wanted to. If you only have time to open your Bible at the 11:59 p.m., this is a good indicator you are overstretched. It's time to cut it out so we can be more productive for what He wants us to do!

Proverbs 4:25-26-Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the[a] paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

4.) Daily Devotionals- bible app, reminders

Daily Devotionals are a way to hear from the Lord. You can choose a topical one such as parenting or choose one that goes straight through the Bible. Youversion, for example, is an app that has great devotionals to choose from. Also, there are ways to get daily alerts for the Bible verse of the day. I personally have a daily alert that goes off around 11:00 a.m. every day. I must say that every single time the verse is exactly what I need in the moment. Devotionals don't replace your bible reading or prayers. However, they serve to dig deeper into a topic! If you are looking for a great devotional, I encourage you to order The Victory Walk 21 Day Devotional!

Joshua 1:8- This set of instructions is not to cease being a part of your conversations. Meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to carry out everything that's written in it, for then you'll prosper and succeed.

5.) Guard Your Eyes and Ears

The Bible repeatedly tells us to be careful what we allow into our hearts. Unfortunately, what goes in will come out. If you are constantly surrounded by profanity, eventually you will curse as well. This is just the nature of being a human. Be careful what you indulge in on television. If it doesn't reflect a way that you choose to behave, WATCH out you may need to cut it out. It can be hard to hear from God when you are doing things that you know dishonor Him. This is not to say you can only watch televangelists or listen to Christian music. However, I have heard the Lord speak to me very few time (actually maybe never) when listening to a Beyonce song or watching a movie that was profane and vulgar.

Matthew 6: 22- The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light

6.) Make Godly Connections

It has been said that we are an average of our friends. Godly connections will always turn you back to Him. A friend who is a good connection will speak God's words over you. They won't encourage you to fight, be hateful, or turn from God. These are the types of connections that will keep you in tune if you in a rough time. Who you do your life with can make or break your ability to hear God clearly. This is not to say all your friends must be "Super Christians." However, it is saying that your closest friends that you are vulnerable with should be those that reflect God's heart.

1 Corinthians 15:33- Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

7.) Completely Immerse

Like one in a shower, so should you be in God's presence. God's words constantly streaming all over you. This is done through intentionality. Practice filling your atmosphere with worship music. Post encouraging Bible verses that strengthen you. God will use this to speak to you daily.

With the seven tips above, you are sure to hear God's voice clearer. Ultimately, the more intentional you are in your relationship with God, the more in tune you will be with what He has to say to you. I encourage you to stay connected to the source of your hope, faith and victory! Tune In!

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