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Jessica House

A Letter to Fear

Recently, a friend asked me to share a victory blocker that has stopped me from moving forward in the areas of my life and gaining victory. I naturally agreed to share, but didn't know the test that would come with the assignment. For days, I struggled with how to even began writing about the very thing that I struggled tremendously with: Fear. Fear of Fear.

FEAR--An unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined.

I allowed fear to take up so much S P A C E in every area of my life; being a good mom, great wife, a good friend, an exceptional realtor, a servant to Christ. Fear was everywhere. I was so accustomed to the feeling that it was like I needed it to function properly. Being new to blogging, I had certain content that God wanted me to share so it was easy to speak about the "easy" topics. But God spoke through my friend, Victoria, and it was basically confirmation that it was time for Welp! Here's go nothing:

Dear Fear, As I sit here and contemplate on what I want to say to you, I can feel your presence. I literally have a ball of knots in my stomach, but you know what? Enough is enough. I have let you live and fester on me for far too long and I want to be FREE. I know that you are nothing but a stronghold that is looking to keep me bound, so I bind the spirit of fear over my life in the name of Jesus. As I reflect over many of the visions that God revealed to me, the common one that was used was you. SO GUESS WHAT?? You got to go! I will no longer be held captive to your tricks and tactics. Loose my spirit in the name of JESUS! Signed, A Woman of God

If you've struggled with the stronghold of fear, you can be certain it is not of God. Often times, we allow what's happening in front of us to distract us from the calling God has placed on us. We have to have FAITH OVER FEAR and trust in God. To better equip ourselves, we must renew our minds daily with the word of God, we must live a spirit led life and die to our flesh. I thank you for your grace and your mercy. I pray for the person reading this post. I pray that you will give them a renewed spirit. I bind the spirit of fear, in the name of Jesus. God, we know that you have not given us a spirit of fear, so we thank you in advance for freeing us from this spirit. Father God I speak life into this reader and I thank you for a new mindset this day forward. Thank you for giving us a second chance. Thank you Lord for giving us your word as a guide. Let it be a light under my feet. Thank you God that we have already conquered fear and I pray that you will allow us to help others. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

A special thanks to Jessica House of Defined By Christ, She is . For more from Jessica, visit her blog here .

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