It all starts with an idea.
The light bulb.
The electrical outlet.
The computer.
The internet.
All of these inventions were simply ideas that with hard work and courage would revolutionize the entire world. Each one would become building blocks for the next invention. We could reasonably say that without the light bulb, the computer would have never been created. Without the internet, Facebook would be nonexistent. Every idea was built upon the witty idea of another’s.
One person’s courageous idea would be what empowered others decades later.
Every single moment of trial, error, perseverance, and even failure would create a new way of living and transform cultures.

You may be thinking, what does this have to do with me?
To this I answer, EVERYTHING!
Over the last few days, the Lord has been speaking the phrase “witty inventions.” As I think on this phrase of witty inventions, I am reminded that we serve a Creative Creator. Simply considering that there are over 28,000 species of fish and millions of species of land animals, with each one being unique, there is no questioning that God has limitless creative ability.
So, why then should we not be creative like our Father?
Are we not made in His own image?
Genesis 1:26- Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”
The truth is, we serve a God who empowers us all with gifts. Some may have the gift of wisdom, others may have the gift of hospitality. Yet, others have the gift of craftsmanship and creativity.
I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skill Exodus 31:3
My questions to you today...
Are you working your gift?
Are you using your gift to create something new?
Are you using your gift to impact those around you?
Is there a business or invention inside of you?
Are you the person holding the next culture-altering invention but too afraid to release it?
As I mentioned earlier, one person’s ability to be courageous sets the ground work for the next person. Your inability to move forward in your idea can affect not only your life, but many others.
Consider this example. Have you ever imagined life without the invention of the cellphone? Without the cellphone would there be apps that make everyone’s life a little easier? Would there be the ability to make video calls to people around the world? Would there be Amber alerts for missing children? Would there be eBooks to read on mobile devices? How many millions of jobs have been created because of one person’s idea to create a mobile device?
Today, I encourage you to no longer be selfish in your gifting! There are things that God wants to release into this Earth that He has called you to do. It will take much courage and a lot of faith. It may take you rejecting the ideas of others who will tell you that your idea “will never work.” Remember,
We serve a God that doesn’t believe in the word “impossible.”
There are times when your idea is so big that ONLY God could get the credit for it! Hallelujah, that's great news! In my life, I have found that when things are too easy to accomplish, I tend to think it’s all because of my own ability. This is where pride slips in and we forget to give God the credit for giving us the grace to do what has been done. However, the great thing about God-sized visions is that we have to remain humble and allow God to lead us every step of the way. There’s a beauty in knowing that you NEED God to direct your path.
I encourage you to pray this prayer aloud.

God, I ask for an infusion of witty ideas. Teach me your voice so that I may listen clearly when you speak. Father, help me to arise in boldness and fulfill all you have called me to do. Grant me the wisdom to complete the task at hand and surround me with those who can push me towards my destiny. I thank you for strategic connections and divine appointments. In all, help me to remember that you are my source and the reason why I can move forward in confidence. Let pride, arrogance, or boasting never be associated with my name. Instead, teach me to be humble as I move forward. I trust you Lord for my instructions. In Jesus Name. Amen.
A man’s gift opens doors for him, and brings him before great men. Proverbs 18:16
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17
I can't wait to hear the exciting God-sized ideas that come from the Victory Speaks readers. For more encouragement, I encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
I also invite you to grab a copy of The Victory Walk, A 21 Day Devotional on Victorious Living! It is the perfect gift to yourself or a friend for the holiday season.
Grab yours today, by clicking here!