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Writer's pictureVictoria Riollano of Victory Speaks

What is your highest goal?

Let love be your highest goal! 1 Corinthians 14:1a

I have always been taught to have goals.

From getting a degree, to buying a house, or starting a business, it was engrained in me that having a plan for greatness was of the upmost importance. Without having specific goals and purposeful action, my life would be left to happenstance and unfulfilling. Yet, as I started to attain the dreams of marriage, children, home buying, education and more, I could always tell that something was still missing. My goals of achieving the status quo and making myself feel good always left me coming up short. 

I have realized more and more that my highest goal was never meant to be how much I can achieve but how much love I can give.

In 1 Corinthians 14:1, the apostle Paul reminds us to “let love be our highest goal.” More than money, success, or pleasing others, love is what is the most important. Yet, not just any kind of love. Paul is referring to a love that is kind, unconditional, honoring, patient, and forgiving. Even more so, Paul speaks of love being the very essence of who God is! Thus, when we love, we have an opportunity to show people exactly how good God is.

If I am honest, it is easy to love those who are “easy to love.” The child who follows directions the first time, the friend who always remembers my birthday, and the neighbor who always seeks to be helpful, are those who are easy to love. But the others who aren’t so friendly, who talk poorly of my faith, or who outright reject me, these are the ones that I struggle to love wholeheartedly. I would venture to say showing love when my flesh wants to retaliate with a war of words is one of the most difficult things to do. Yet, I am convinced that when we make the choice to pray for, forgive, and be kind to those who others may reject, we show God’s love the best. This kind of love makes others pay attention and draws people to closer to God himself. Oh, to be known for being the most loving person in the room! Showing God’s love is the trademark of being a Christian! When you make the choice to walk in love, you will experience God's victory in every area of your life!

Jesus says it clearly in John 13:35, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Today, my prayer for you is that you let love guide your choices, responses, and actions. I believe when we put this above all else, we will find favor in every area of our life. Even more so, we will draw other closer to the true author of love, God himself.

Let’s pray...

Lord, showing love is not always easy. At times, my initial response is not to love but to be angry. I need your help to forgive. I need your strength to practice self-control when others are difficult and its hard to love. Lord, teach me how to love others, myself, and you in the way that you would have me to. Forgive me when I am not a good example of your love. Teach me how to love well. In Jesus name, Amen.


For more on living a life of everyday victory, I invite you to purchase my new book Warrior Mother: Equipping Your Heart To Fight For Your Family's Faith or the Victory Walk: A 21 Day Devotional on Amazon today by clicking here. While you await your new book, head over to itunes, Spotify, Youtube or Amazon Music and sing out your victory with my latest single, "God Has Not Forgotten You."

Victoria Riollano is an author, blogger, and speaker. As a mother of seven, military spouse, Psychology professor, and minister’s wife, Victoria has learned the art of balancing family and accomplishing God’s ultimate purpose for her life. Ultimately, her desire is to empower women to live a life of victory, hope, and love. She believes that with Christ we can live a life that is ALWAYS winning.

Portions of this devotional were originally published on

1 Comment

Sep 27

Amén 🙏

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