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Writer's pictureVictoria Riollano of Victory Speaks

When Life Feels Out of Control

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”—Joshua 1:9

Every year I look forward to the day when I can gather my family and take them to the local amusement park. The truth is, it's not the carnival games or the over-priced food that brings me joy- it’s the roller coasters. Ever since childhood, the thrill of buckling into a 300-foot intimidating machine has been my favorite. The sudden drops, quick turns, the slow inclines, moments of suspending upside down, and feeling of having no control is a freeing feeling. The anticipation of the next adventure keeps so many people like me standing in long lines to do it again and again!

Yet, I have recognized over the last few years that life sometimes takes a similar course as my favorite pass-time. Without any respect for my personal opinion, the trials of life come unexpectedly. The death of a family member feels like a sudden drop. The anticipation of waiting for a promotion or a new baby to be born feels like the slow incline to the top of a coaster and the woes of unforeseen illness can cause one to feel like their life is spinning uncontrollably. The joyous times become overshadowed by the trials and we are left to wonder how we can ever find peace.

Without a doubt we have all had seasons of life that feel like a roller coaster but one thing still remains...

God is in control.

The truth is, these times are a reminder that we don’t get the final say and as much as we would like to remain in charge, life reminds us quickly that we never will be. Yet, I am reminded of the verse that says,

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

In every situation, we have the privilege of calling out to the all-powerful, all-knowing God. I love that this verse makes it clear, that we can choose not to worry about what happens next. But in everything (the good bad and ugly) we must pray, bring our requests to God, and choose thankfulness. We aren’t required to fix the situation. We aren’t required to know all the answers. Our response is like one is buckling into a roller coaster, buckle up and trust the conductor to get you exactly where you need to be.

My prayer today is that you remember that we serve a God who is present. On the best days of our lives, He is there. In the moments, when all is falling apart. He is there. As the Bible says in Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” May we never forget that He is with us through it all. May we respond to life’s trials and triumphs with prayer and the expectation that God shall be with us.

There is a victory in knowing that you can trust in all things. Stay the course and keep believing.

Let’s pray.

Lord, I thank you for being with me in every season. Help me to know that you are sovereign above all. Even when I feel like things are out of my control, remind me that you are present. God, help me to not lose hope when afflictions come. Teach me how to call in on you in the great times. I ask that you show me how to be content no matter what life brings. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Thanks so much for reading! If your parenting feels like a bit of a roller coaster, I want to recommend my new book, Warrior Mother: Equipping Your Heart to Fight for Your Family's Faith. I believe this is the playbook moms need to move from defeated to defender. It's packed with biblical insights to encourage, reminders of mothers in Scripture who are examples of faithful trust, encouragement to connect with our Commander through prayer, and reflection questions about past battles and reframing strategies for the future.

Head over to Amazon and grab your copy!

While you await your copy, check out my latest interview on Life Today available on any of the platforms below.

*Portions of this devotional were originally published on*


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