Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Jan 9, 2019
Could You Give Away Your Dream?
In a season of resolutions and vision boards, I am often amazed at how passionate we can be when it comes to seeing their dreams come...

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Sep 20, 2018
Learning to be Immovable In the Wait
Hitchhiker-a means of transportation that is gained by asking people, usually strangers, for a ride Lately, I've felt like a hitchhiker....

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Jan 9, 2018
What is the Kingdom of God?
The kingdom of God is a holy kingdom. It is not one that everyone is a part of by the mere fact that they have breath in their body. Members

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Jun 29, 2017
It's Graduation Season!
Imagine a group of your closest friends showed up at your doorstep today and handed you a fresh cap, gown, and confetti. When you opened...

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
May 4, 2017
Pretty Necessities
Recently, I came across a shirt of mine labeled with the tag "Pretty Necessities". Pretty Necessities After moments of thought, I said...